Freud once said that most female's frustration stemmed from "Penis Envy". Well that's a sexual contradiction. Freud wishes he had a pussy. Being a scorpio (and those zodiac signs are fucked up all on their own in terms of sexuality), his quest in psychology delved into the sexual psyche of people; but came up short in terms of women. How else can an "expert" in the field come up with such a clipped argument? How can somebody pin the blame on the sole fact that we just don't have a penis. Well, Freud was a man. Of course he'd think that, because he thinks the penis is synonymous with "strenght" for women; he actually believes we look at a penis and immediately think "Therein lies the staff that conquers the world, sets the rules, gives life, creates the future..."
Freud wanted a pussy, he wanted to experience sexuality in all its forms... but he couldn't. Nobody can, not even transsexuals. You'd have to be a bisexual transsexual. One that enjoys a portion of their life as a male, and has sex with both men and women... then becomes female... and again has sex with both men and women. But the reason people become transsexuals has to do with identity, not with pleasure. You don't change your sex, because you want to experience sex in all its forms. You change your sex because you are unhappy with the sexual identity you were born with. And if you were to be a bisexual transsexual, then you'd be deemed "sick" or a "psychopath", either way you'd be a psychological problem... not a human being. You'd be a monster. Sexuality at its best... is a monster. Celibacy is the noble warrior, battling against your urges and helping you overcome the beastly urges that would have you turn into the spawn of debauchery.
Sexuality, or the lack thereof, is what gives us the capacity to be monsters or angels, demons or saints. Let it go and you're above the rest... succumb to it and you'll spiral down the road to perdition. Like with everything in life, balance is key. But females aren't balanced right now. Because our bodies are taboo. Because vagina is still the forbidden word; penis, dick, cock... not so shocking.
Now I don't know about you but when I look at a penis I see a rather easily swayed organ; certainly not a symbol of power. Even when everything around us points to "penis = power". Monuments are penis shaped, badges of honor, everything just "points" masculinity wherever you go. Arrows, staffs, sticks, phallus shaped towers... And have you ever heard a worse insult between men than being called a "pussy"? Whereas when they call each other "dicks" it carries a sense of playfulness to it. As if being a dick means that you're just being a natural man, fickle, irresponsible, selfish and rude. But manly. Being a pussy? Oh lord forbid you'd call a man a pussy. Then you're truly attacking his pride.
Even when you compliment them, it has to be a "masculine" complement. You're a "real man". You can't compare a man's virtues to female virtues... calling a man "sensitive" is equal to calling him "less of a man", "near woman", "gay"...
Now I love men, despite their little flaws (same as they can stand our emotional roller coasters) I tolerate their short-comings... But I don't feel "penis-envy". Not when it involves sticking to the "Y" chromosome and utterly ignoring the "X". We all have an "X" in our genes... we're all part female... so what gives?
The female is far more powerful, dominating and, dare I say it, cunning, when comfortable with her sexuality. Whatever that sexuality may be. Dominating and submissive alike, because the point is not to make men submit, it's to indulge in the roles we find most fulfilling, no matter what they are or how they're viewed. The roles that give us satisfaction, not the ones that manipulate us.
The female is as much a natural "top" as the male. She wants to call the shots, she wants to be in control. She's taught not to be. And though I enjoy male domination, or the idea of it in bed... at life, in practice, the scope is too broad, the area too wide... we are under their control and it's not healthy. They can't be feminine... and our showing aspects of masculinity (or what is deemed masculinity: "power", "control", "money", "status", etc.) is considered "feminism" or "penis-envy".
It goes so far... that even when a man admits he'd like to experience being a girl for one day, the first thing most women cry out is how horrible that notion is... for the man. Men's curiosity is immediatly striked down by women themselves. They believe they are worthless, painful creatures. A man can only be so lucky as to be a man and not suffer the perils of a vagina. Having your menstruation, giving birth, penetrating first through a hymen... only the pain, guilt and suffering is brought up. But when females wish they'd have a penis... "it's the best". There are no flaws in the penis.
Clearly that is not so. And having a vagina, is much more exciting. A little on the adventurous side here, women can wear strap-ons and penetrate other men or women... but men can't be penetrated unless it's from behind (and women can do this as well). We have... double the sexual power, double the sexual hunger... double the need to express it. Because we're not balanced, because it's wrong and forbidden. Because we live the era of "male sex power". Respect is something a woman has to earn, but a man is born with it. Even if they lost it in life, they can get it back... a woman loses respect, and she's scarred forever. It's double the responsibility, double the prejudice. Maybe that's why we have two breasts... double the reminder of being a target, of needing strength... breasts are beacons facing forward... demanding to be acknowledged, and fully functional. They are necessary for feeding life. They are the reason men grow in the early stages of their childhood.
They're also great fun.
Women are far more sexual than men, for several reasons: we prolong the act; we are capable of having multiple orgasms; our system is more sophisticated; our arousal is longer, steadier, easier to control and manage; we have more than double the amount of sensitive little nerves; we have more erogenous zones... the list goes on.
It's one of the reasons I believe female sexuality is so taboo. Men are scared of it. Men are scared of how powerful women can be when sexual. That's why when men are promiscuous, we see it as virility, whereas when the woman uses her sexuality, it's seen as "evil", "wrong", "sinful"; the equivalent of "slut" or "whore". With their penis, men are establishing power, sexual power, that they can control. While female sexuality comes with an undertone of guilt and shame. If we weren't ashamed of our sexuality, we'd rule the world. Since men aren't afraid of their sexuality, they are ruling the world.
Because being comfortable and open about your sexuality, does give you the ultimate power. In this I politely differ from "The Scum Manifesto"; a very famous piece on pussy-envy (to me the ravings of a traumatized woman, a very extreme piece and highly inaccurate). Being secure, being firm, being honest and strong... are all a product of our own comfort levels. And women will never be comfortable with themselves, we (the world) are seeing to that. Men have their flaws, their sexuality and their habits out there in the open. Women instead, carry an image and a social responsibility that's meant to establish them as role-models. I'm not saying men don't have these responsibilities... just never in the same amount. You can definately imagine your father cheating on your mother and running away with a new woman. But if your mother does it, there's something completely unforgivable about her needs and the situation: she's a woman.
And as a society, we don't spare women. We're too afraid of them. We're too afraid of how a woman would be; if she were completely sure of herself, perfectly happy with her body, perfectly in tune with her sexuality and guilt-free.
Women are also highly intuitive, but they're not allowed to express or explore their intuition. Women must also submit to rules that forever place them second to the "penis". Women must also look for the one "penis" that they should be loyal to all their lives. Men are taught to get as much pussy as they possibly can. Or it's ingrained into their system by the media.
What... the... fuck?
Women would like to stop seeing themselves objectified by the media. But that's our fault too. Female sexuality is such a mystery, so taboo, that we all crave to see it and understand it. It's so far out of our reach. There's nothing more sensual than the idea of a woman touching herself, dipping her fingers inside her cleft and stroking the trembling wet little cove, her face a mixture of pleasure and distress. We love our women guilty. We love them sneaking out to please themselves and not telling a soul, or having them tell us of lewd sexual fantasies (that even though they're fantasies, must still stick to a certain code of conduct).
Heck there's my point. Female sexual repression, is so overblown, that even fantasies have a glass roof. A woman can fantasize what she wants, but she won't talk about it, not about her darkest deepest fantasies... they might be even more dark than men's fantasies (definitely)... and that's not supposed to be.
Well... says who?
Freud? Jesus?
Poor Mary. She had to be virgin for her birth to be considered pure... the idea that a woman who's done a sexual act could be the mother of God is so preposterous...
Bite me.
Where are the women who rule? Where are the strong female deities that shape our philosophies... I'll tell you where... in the book of hell. They are regarded as the whores of past millenniums, wives of the devil, twisted queens and witches that lured men into traps and whole civilizations into ruin.
They had sex. They enjoyed sex. They used sex.
Oh my gosh... SEX.
Big fucking deal.
You know... you're mother's not immaculate. And quite frankly... neither are you. They say sexual acts begin in the mind... I'm a virgin... I should know...
There is no such thing as an immaculate female. Though that theory can't be proven right or wrong, because we'll never know... they'll never tell.
I'm just saying.
I don't want to be afraid of my sexuality. So I won't be. I just won't.
Let's see what happens.
Freud wanted a pussy, he wanted to experience sexuality in all its forms... but he couldn't. Nobody can, not even transsexuals. You'd have to be a bisexual transsexual. One that enjoys a portion of their life as a male, and has sex with both men and women... then becomes female... and again has sex with both men and women. But the reason people become transsexuals has to do with identity, not with pleasure. You don't change your sex, because you want to experience sex in all its forms. You change your sex because you are unhappy with the sexual identity you were born with. And if you were to be a bisexual transsexual, then you'd be deemed "sick" or a "psychopath", either way you'd be a psychological problem... not a human being. You'd be a monster. Sexuality at its best... is a monster. Celibacy is the noble warrior, battling against your urges and helping you overcome the beastly urges that would have you turn into the spawn of debauchery.
Sexuality, or the lack thereof, is what gives us the capacity to be monsters or angels, demons or saints. Let it go and you're above the rest... succumb to it and you'll spiral down the road to perdition. Like with everything in life, balance is key. But females aren't balanced right now. Because our bodies are taboo. Because vagina is still the forbidden word; penis, dick, cock... not so shocking.
Now I don't know about you but when I look at a penis I see a rather easily swayed organ; certainly not a symbol of power. Even when everything around us points to "penis = power". Monuments are penis shaped, badges of honor, everything just "points" masculinity wherever you go. Arrows, staffs, sticks, phallus shaped towers... And have you ever heard a worse insult between men than being called a "pussy"? Whereas when they call each other "dicks" it carries a sense of playfulness to it. As if being a dick means that you're just being a natural man, fickle, irresponsible, selfish and rude. But manly. Being a pussy? Oh lord forbid you'd call a man a pussy. Then you're truly attacking his pride.
Even when you compliment them, it has to be a "masculine" complement. You're a "real man". You can't compare a man's virtues to female virtues... calling a man "sensitive" is equal to calling him "less of a man", "near woman", "gay"...
Now I love men, despite their little flaws (same as they can stand our emotional roller coasters) I tolerate their short-comings... But I don't feel "penis-envy". Not when it involves sticking to the "Y" chromosome and utterly ignoring the "X". We all have an "X" in our genes... we're all part female... so what gives?
The female is far more powerful, dominating and, dare I say it, cunning, when comfortable with her sexuality. Whatever that sexuality may be. Dominating and submissive alike, because the point is not to make men submit, it's to indulge in the roles we find most fulfilling, no matter what they are or how they're viewed. The roles that give us satisfaction, not the ones that manipulate us.
The female is as much a natural "top" as the male. She wants to call the shots, she wants to be in control. She's taught not to be. And though I enjoy male domination, or the idea of it in bed... at life, in practice, the scope is too broad, the area too wide... we are under their control and it's not healthy. They can't be feminine... and our showing aspects of masculinity (or what is deemed masculinity: "power", "control", "money", "status", etc.) is considered "feminism" or "penis-envy".
It goes so far... that even when a man admits he'd like to experience being a girl for one day, the first thing most women cry out is how horrible that notion is... for the man. Men's curiosity is immediatly striked down by women themselves. They believe they are worthless, painful creatures. A man can only be so lucky as to be a man and not suffer the perils of a vagina. Having your menstruation, giving birth, penetrating first through a hymen... only the pain, guilt and suffering is brought up. But when females wish they'd have a penis... "it's the best". There are no flaws in the penis.
Clearly that is not so. And having a vagina, is much more exciting. A little on the adventurous side here, women can wear strap-ons and penetrate other men or women... but men can't be penetrated unless it's from behind (and women can do this as well). We have... double the sexual power, double the sexual hunger... double the need to express it. Because we're not balanced, because it's wrong and forbidden. Because we live the era of "male sex power". Respect is something a woman has to earn, but a man is born with it. Even if they lost it in life, they can get it back... a woman loses respect, and she's scarred forever. It's double the responsibility, double the prejudice. Maybe that's why we have two breasts... double the reminder of being a target, of needing strength... breasts are beacons facing forward... demanding to be acknowledged, and fully functional. They are necessary for feeding life. They are the reason men grow in the early stages of their childhood.
They're also great fun.
"Top: lead: be ahead of others; be the first;
The top is the person who enjoys being dominant and/or sadistic. People use the word top to indicate the person who enjoys giving the 'sensations' involved in D/s or SM play. Simplistically stated, the person who does the spanking is the top."
Women are far more sexual than men, for several reasons: we prolong the act; we are capable of having multiple orgasms; our system is more sophisticated; our arousal is longer, steadier, easier to control and manage; we have more than double the amount of sensitive little nerves; we have more erogenous zones... the list goes on.
It's one of the reasons I believe female sexuality is so taboo. Men are scared of it. Men are scared of how powerful women can be when sexual. That's why when men are promiscuous, we see it as virility, whereas when the woman uses her sexuality, it's seen as "evil", "wrong", "sinful"; the equivalent of "slut" or "whore". With their penis, men are establishing power, sexual power, that they can control. While female sexuality comes with an undertone of guilt and shame. If we weren't ashamed of our sexuality, we'd rule the world. Since men aren't afraid of their sexuality, they are ruling the world.
Because being comfortable and open about your sexuality, does give you the ultimate power. In this I politely differ from "The Scum Manifesto"; a very famous piece on pussy-envy (to me the ravings of a traumatized woman, a very extreme piece and highly inaccurate). Being secure, being firm, being honest and strong... are all a product of our own comfort levels. And women will never be comfortable with themselves, we (the world) are seeing to that. Men have their flaws, their sexuality and their habits out there in the open. Women instead, carry an image and a social responsibility that's meant to establish them as role-models. I'm not saying men don't have these responsibilities... just never in the same amount. You can definately imagine your father cheating on your mother and running away with a new woman. But if your mother does it, there's something completely unforgivable about her needs and the situation: she's a woman.
And as a society, we don't spare women. We're too afraid of them. We're too afraid of how a woman would be; if she were completely sure of herself, perfectly happy with her body, perfectly in tune with her sexuality and guilt-free.
Women are also highly intuitive, but they're not allowed to express or explore their intuition. Women must also submit to rules that forever place them second to the "penis". Women must also look for the one "penis" that they should be loyal to all their lives. Men are taught to get as much pussy as they possibly can. Or it's ingrained into their system by the media.
What... the... fuck?
Women would like to stop seeing themselves objectified by the media. But that's our fault too. Female sexuality is such a mystery, so taboo, that we all crave to see it and understand it. It's so far out of our reach. There's nothing more sensual than the idea of a woman touching herself, dipping her fingers inside her cleft and stroking the trembling wet little cove, her face a mixture of pleasure and distress. We love our women guilty. We love them sneaking out to please themselves and not telling a soul, or having them tell us of lewd sexual fantasies (that even though they're fantasies, must still stick to a certain code of conduct).
Heck there's my point. Female sexual repression, is so overblown, that even fantasies have a glass roof. A woman can fantasize what she wants, but she won't talk about it, not about her darkest deepest fantasies... they might be even more dark than men's fantasies (definitely)... and that's not supposed to be.
Well... says who?
Freud? Jesus?
Poor Mary. She had to be virgin for her birth to be considered pure... the idea that a woman who's done a sexual act could be the mother of God is so preposterous...
Bite me.
Where are the women who rule? Where are the strong female deities that shape our philosophies... I'll tell you where... in the book of hell. They are regarded as the whores of past millenniums, wives of the devil, twisted queens and witches that lured men into traps and whole civilizations into ruin.
They had sex. They enjoyed sex. They used sex.
Oh my gosh... SEX.
Big fucking deal.
You know... you're mother's not immaculate. And quite frankly... neither are you. They say sexual acts begin in the mind... I'm a virgin... I should know...
There is no such thing as an immaculate female. Though that theory can't be proven right or wrong, because we'll never know... they'll never tell.
I'm just saying.
I don't want to be afraid of my sexuality. So I won't be. I just won't.
Let's see what happens.
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